Event Details
Operating System->TPAM (draft)->User activity->Password: Expired early
Password: Expired early
Password expired early.

Module: Privileged Password Manager
Feb 22 19:26:30 PAR[3520]: UserName: tpamsm Operation: Expired early ObjectType: Password Target: dimalinux/yksm Role: Requestor Failed? 0
Log Type: Generic Syslog
 Uniquely Identified By:
OS Type: Any
Filtering RegExp: ^(.{15}) ([-[:alnum:]_.]+) ([^():]+)(\([^[]+\)){0,1}(\[[0-9]+\]){0,1}: (UserName: (.*) Operation: (.*) ObjectType: (.*) Target: (.*) Role: (.*[^])[]* Failed\? (.*))
Field Matching
FieldDescriptionStored inSample Value
DateTime Date/Time of event origination in GMT format. DateTime Feb 22 19:26:30
Source Name of system type origination the event. "TPAMCONSOLE" TPAMCONSOLE
Computer Name / IP address of the host that originally generated the message. Computer
Description The entire unparsed event message. RegExpGroup7
UserName TPAM user account initiating event. - tpamsm
Operation Type of action. - Expired early
ObjectType Type of the object on which action is taken. - Password
Target Name of the object on which action is taken. - dimalinux/yksm
Role Permission type - Requestor
Failed Result of execution (0 - true, 1 - false) - 0
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