Welcome to Event-o-Pedia – a free encyclopedia of events that show up in all sorts of audit logs found on the planet!
Event-o-Pedia should help you answer questions like:
- What this event means?
- What is this event composed of?
- Under what circumstances it appears in the logs?
- What should I do about this event?
What makes this Event-o-Pedia unique is the way it’s organized.
If you’re looking for the details of a certain event that you come across on a certain
system you should search or browse for events in the native event classification. Events in that classification
are organized by the type of OS, device or application and their respective versions.
You can easily inspect what kind of information is stored in each part of the event
and see sample events.
If you’re interested in pulling together all events you need to build reports fulfilling
a common requirement (compliance driven, change management, user activity tracking,
security policy enforcement) you should refer to the business problem oriented event classification. This
classification groups events by their business value regardless of the platforms
they come from.
Try Event-o-Pedia now!