Event Details
Operating System->Microsoft Windows->Built-in logs->Windows 2000-2003->System Log->Source NETLOGON->EventID 5781 - Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS
EventID 5781 - Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS
Event Type:     Warning
Event Source:   NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID:       5781
Date:           10/26/2009
Time:           01:05:26
Computer:       DC1
Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associated with DNS
domain 'research.corp.' failed.  These records are used by other computers to locate this
server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory
domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).

Possible causes of failure include:

- TCP/IP properties of the network connections of this computer contain wrong IP address(es) of the preferred and alternate DNS servers
- Specified preferred and alternate DNS servers are not running
- DNS server(s) primary for the records to be registered is not running
- Preferred or alternate DNS servers are configured with wrong root hints
- Parent DNS zone contains incorrect delegation to the child zone authoritative for the DNS records that failed registration


Fix possible misconfiguration(s) specified above and initiate registration or deletion of
the DNS records by running 'nltest.exe /dsregdns' from the command prompt or by restarting
Net Logon service. Nltest.exe is available in the Microsoft Windows Server Resource Kit CD.
Log Type: Windows Event Log
 Uniquely Identified By:
Log Name: System
Filtering Field Equals to Value
OSVersion Windows 2000
Windows XP
Windows 2003
EventId 5781
Field Matching
FieldDescriptionStored inSample Value
DateTime Date/Time of event origination in GMT format. DateTime 10.10.2000 19:00:00
Source Name of an Application or System Service originating the event. Source Security
Type Warning, Information, Error, Success, Failure, etc. Type Success
User Domain\Account name of user/service/computer initiating event. User RESEARCH\Alebovsky
Computer Name of server workstation where event was logged. Computer DC1
EventID Numerical ID of event. Unique within one Event Source. EventId 576
Description The entire unparsed event message. Description Special privileges assigned to new logon.
Log Name The name of the event log (e.g. Application, Security, System, etc.) LogName Security
Category A name for a subclass of events within the same Event Source. Category Logon/Logoff
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