Event Details
Operating System->Microsoft Windows->Application logs->PowerShellCore/Operational->EventID 4103 - Executing Pipeline
EventID 4103 - Executing Pipeline
%3%n%nContext:%n%1%n%nUser Data:%n%2%n

Update-Help has completed successfully.

        Severity = Informational
        Host Name = ConsoleHost
        Host Version = 5.1.14393.0
        Host ID = 5ab2debb-0a90-4227-90fe-33f0788bfe36
        Host Application = C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
        Engine Version = 5.1.14393.0
        Runspace ID = 125ea3ec-b0d6-4418-a374-6ad843d294b4
        Pipeline ID = 12
        Command Name = Update-Help
        Command Type = Cmdlet
        Script Name = 
        Command Path = 
        Sequence Number = 70
        User = ITSS\123-456789
        Connected User = 
        Shell ID = Microsoft.PowerShell

User Data:
Log Type: Windows Event Log
 Uniquely Identified By:
Log Name: PowerShellCore/Operational
Filtering Field Equals to Value
EventId 4103
Field Matching
FieldDescriptionStored inSample Value
DateTime Date/Time of event origination in GMT format. DateTime 10.10.2000 19:00:00
Source Name of an Application or System Service originating the event. Source Security
Type Warning, Information, Error, Success, Failure, etc. Type Success
User Domain\Account name of user/service/computer initiating event. User RESEARCH\Alebovsky
Computer Name of server workstation where event was logged. Computer DC1
EventID Numerical ID of event. Unique within one Event Source. EventId 576
Description The entire unparsed event message. Description Special privileges assigned to new logon.
Log Name The name of the event log (e.g. Application, Security, System, etc.) LogName Security
Payload InsertionString3
Context InsertionString1
User Data InsertionString2
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