Event Details
User Activity->Privilege Use->Privilege Sessions (TPAM)->Session/Password: Session Request
Session/Password: Session Request
Feb 26 17:18:27 PAR[3156]: UserName: dimaad Operation: Session Request ObjectType: Session/Password Target: dimalinux/yksm Role: Requestor Failed? 0
Log Type: Generic Syslog
 Uniquely Identified By:
OS Type: Any
Filtering RegExp: ^(.{15}) ([-[:alnum:]_.]+) ([^():]+)(\([^[]+\)){0,1}(\[[0-9]+\]){0,1}: (UserName: (.*) Operation: (.*) ObjectType: (.*) Target: (.*) Role: (.*[^])[]* Failed\? (.*))
Field Matching
FieldDescriptionStored inSample Value
When At what date and time a user activity originated in the system. DateTime Feb 26 17:18:27
Who Account or user name under which the activity occured. - dimaad
What The type of activity occurred (e.g. Logon, Password Changed, etc.) "Password was requested for session." Password was requested for session.
Where The name of the workstation/server where the activity was logged. -
Where From The name of the workstation/server where the activity was initiated from. -
Severity Specify the seriousness of the event. -
WhoDomain -
WhereDomain -
UserName TPAM user account initiating event. - dimaad
Operation Type of action - Session Request
ObjectType Type of the object on which action is taken. - Session/Password
Target Name of the object on which action is taken. - dimalinux/yksm
Role Permission type - Requestor
Failed Result of execution (0 - true, 1 - false) - 0
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